Sent by God
We received this very nice letter:
Sent by God
Two children of God, humble, driven by their hearts and with great love for those in need, were sent by the Lord to rescue their brothers and sisters in Cuba.
Rev. Radu and his wife Stela have engraved in our hearts with great love for the poor, they have become instruments of God to rescue and give a helping hand to those who require aid and, through them, they send mercy and passion of our Lord to us.
Regardless of their age, regardless of their health, God has comforted them and like vultures as they flew from their distant Canada to bring us help. They know that God has supported them and renewed their strength in each of their four missionary journeys, and we hope to see them more often.
Always with a smile on their lips and with words that bring hope they provide us with a lot of love and they show us in practice the teaching that Christ gave us when he told us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We give thanks to God and to all those whose donations make possible that the missionaries that we cherish can assist people of Cuba and especially those most disadvantaged.
Signed: Community of St. Francis de Paul in Havana, 9 June 2009.
Dear friends, this letter is a gift for us and shows us both that what we give to you grows the kingdom of God. Spread it on your own benefits. Be generous, help according to your means through our projects. Your reward will be multiplied a hundredfold.
In this summer, think of our neighbor. As you prepare your leisure and your vacation - well deserved - remember those who have no time to prepare a holiday because they can not take a vacation or give one to their family. How many children must work to help their family? How many? There would be only one, it would be one too many. Therefore please do not forget your neighbor. Make a generous donation to help feed him, clothe him, and treat him if he is sick, to console him if he is in pain. Our mission is there to receive your donations in order to transmit them to those who are suffering.
In this economic crisis, think of your neighbour. It is time to act, to Brotherly help others. Let us make a generous donation to help feed, clothe him, and treat him if he is sick, to console him if he is languishing in prison. Our mission is there to receive your donations in order to transmit relief to those who are more suffering than another.
Help right now by giving them a gift by calling 450-967-7792. Have your credit card with you.
We are all concerned about the difficulties of the brothers and sisters of the regions of the Caribbean (Mexico, Ecuador, Haiti), and also from Romanian country, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia...
Your gifts can create once again, more joy. An illustrated Gospel for children costs $5; the average salary is of $40 a month; a prayer book costs $5; a car costs $5,000 and people cannot pay it.
It is now the privileged moment for us to be ready to help, to bring the joy in the homes and the communities where faith is so low, after so long and so much suffering.
We send our gifts exclusively to the persons in charge of the communities that we know, to the families in suffering and in scarcity of everything, that distribute the gifts. More than a million youth await our gifts and our books. Help us to distribute good to them!
And pray for the success of our apostolate, for we need your prayers! In the expectation of your contribution that we hope will be generous, please receive the thanks of God that awaits your gifts.
Yours, in the service of our Lord,
S. Prodan, Director of the Mission
Rev. Radu Roscanu, Missionary
Labels: Brotherly Help