The message of the Cross
For the things which tend to salvation they do not know; and those who are careful about them they consider to be troublesome. Now this things which tend to salvation they do not know; and those who are careful about them they consider to be not know; and those who are careful about them they consider to be troublesome.
Now this does not ensue from the nature of the thing, but from their disease. And just what the insane do, hating those who take care of them and reviling them, the same is the case with unbelievers also...
This is the nature of the thing, that its power is not recognized by those who perish. For they are beside themselves... But what do you say, O man? Christ became a slave for you, `having taken the form of a slave,` and was crucified, and rose again.
And when you ought for this reason to adore Him risen and admire His lovingkindness, because what neither father, nor friend, nor son did for you, all this the Lord wrought for you. For suppose a man, wished to make out all things by reasoning, let him try by your discourse to convince himself how we see the light... No, you cannot...
Therefore, leaving this to God’s power and boundless wisdom, let us be silent. Just so with regard to the things of God, should we desire to explain them by the wisdom which is from without, great dreision will ensue... from the folly men. For the greatest things of all no language can explain...
Do not say then, Why did He not help Himself on the Cropss? For He was hastening on to close conflict with death himself. He did not descend from the Cross, not because He could not, but because He would not.
For Him Whom the tyranny of death did not restrain, how could the nails of the Cross restrain? ...What sort of philosopher, among those who have studied logic, of those knowledgable in Jewish matters, has saved us and made known the truth? Not one.
It was the fisherman’s work, the whole of it... But how did He`destroy wiosdom?`Being made known to us by Paul and others like him, He showed it to be unprofitable...
For he means to say how by contraries God has overcome, and how the Gospel is not of man.
St. John Chrysostom